today my brain is dead dead dead. went to sch quite early so went opp to buy some snacks to munch in class. they all proved to help. then announced no CONTACT TIME :)
online shopping is so fun!!! me and grace are in same grp as limeng and we influenced i have LIMENG as our
jiemei :) right grace???
lunched with grace jinli tps sauyee and chiachia at the same coffeeshop! me sauyee chiachia grace are joining the ntuc amazing raceeeee sounds so fun.
tried long jump with grace jinli since no contact time. damn bad kkkkk. hahah once i touch the sand i screamt SO LOUD :/
in a rather bad mood in dry run. TOO TIRED :( annabelle was at the dry run :) haha.
tmr have phototaking! omg i sure suck in it.
shiyan :)