at obm. thx u xinyi. lucky u are there for me at obm when i really feel like breaking down. yeah!!!!!!! though like obm is so long ago the 10 days will alwasy in my mind:)
thx u chia li. another who listens to me when i need u. and our wish come thru to be in the same watch!
haha our first teoheng session. GRACE MUST GO TGT WITH US NEXT TIMEEEEEEE!!!! opps tps face got cut off.
haha we are so bored.
random thoughts. rmb that time we were obsessed with the sin cos thing to express love, lep gang? hahha
i am sin^2 x, u are cos ^2 x, together we are 1
my love for u is tan 90 degress (infinity)
my love for u is cos 90 degrees (0!)
omg trigo drives us crazy.
shiyan :)