afetr tkd. WTH JIN LI IS TALL.

haha. me and sis.

that is james dad behind. they were waiting for mr gan.
during clit. GRACE AND PINSING.
sorry for long time never blog!!!!! aiya dont have time mah with so many assignments, tests and grading!!!! argh!!! so on thursday, went sarena house!!! haiz..was suppose to do humans but ended up chionging bio!! need to hand up by 8 leh!!! super stressed up!! uploaded around 7.30!!!! hahah...had dinner at her house!!! super nice!! her house super big!! thanks sarena and her mum!!!
friday was meet the parents. had tkd but it ended super early. so wait with jinli for parents. then saw dawn out of nowhere poped up from seminar rm. haha...darren never tke care of her..hahah..then went meet teachers with my mum and sis!!! ct, mr gan, lin lao shi, choo lao shi!!!! haha...must study harder liao..hahah
so btw that alien is TAN PIN SING!!! haha i BLOGGED !!! haha
shiyan :)
yoyoyo earthlings out dere. this blog's owner is too lazy to update so an ailen came to invade. this ailen is very boliao coz this ailen wants to waste time to blog on mars. yepp. this ailen isn't a martian. this ailen's from venus. or maybe pluto. obviously, this ailen doesn't have an excellent memory so there you have it.
the owner of this blog is very kaypo coz she cnt resist the temptation to not look at the ailen type a post onto her blog. this owner should seriouly wake up and come to blog before this ailen uses the deadly curse on her.